Yagaburne Beef

With a great product and a solid customer base, the time was right for Yagaburne to expand.
When MR was first engaged, Yagaburne had been supplying a number of butcher shops in regional Queensland, but was looking to increase their market share.
Research demonstrated a continuing demand for free-range and HGP-free beef both domestically and internationally, which aligned perfectly with Yagaburne. So, with MR’s help, they set their sights on a two-pronged approach that would prioritise the Australian market in the short-term and international markets in the long-term.

When there’s not a lot to separate your end product from another, how do you stand out?
Initial steps involved a brand workshop to unify the key stakeholders around a broader business and marketing strategy. These insights were then applied through a 12-month marketing plan, starting with the rejuvenation of Yagaburne’s brand. In order to achieve cut-through in a highly competitive market, MR helped reposition Yagaburne as a more premium offering, harnessing the family story to build consumer trust.
MR created a completely new visual identity for the brand, including a modernised suite of B2B and B2C marketing collateral, custom photography, as well as development of key messages and establishing an online presence. These assets were then utilised through a supplier and foodservice engagement plan, which identified prospective customers and outlined activities to increase brand awareness and strengthen relationships for future growth.